Having a Plan for the Day is critical for Homemakers Here’s Why.

Having a Plan for the Day is critical for Homemakers Here’s Why.

So as I am sitting in my bed to watch the reruns of the former hit show, America’s Next Top Model (talk about a blast from the past), I’m thinking about how productive my day has been. It feels so good to end the day on a high note.  I was able to do this because I had a plan for the day. It wasn’t an elaborate plan nor did I plan ahead (which is a great way to plan), but it was a plan nonetheless.

This prompted me to write about the benefits of planning and [hopefully] help you overcome your hesitation to plan for the day so you can feel just as accomplished as I do and beyond. Before I tell you all the reasons why let’s talk about some reasons you might find it hard to plan out the day.

You have to make time to plan for the day.

Honestly, there’s always time for something you want to do. When I asked some of my homemaker friends (particularly ones with kids), why they don’t plan, the top reason was, “I don’t have time”. If anyone gets it, it’s me. As a busy homeschooling homemaker, time is limited. This is why having a plan for the day is crucial in making sure your day has a win.

Creating a plan for your day doesn’t take a full day to do. Here’s something that typically works for me, before I go to bed I grab a sheet of paper and write down 3 things I would like to get done the next day, those are my top priorities. I mark my most important task with a star. I would consider my day a success if I got this one task done or started.

That’s it. Your plan doesn’t need to be extravagant. You just need to have one.

You can plan your day even if you’re not into planning.

The second response when I asked my homemaker friends about planning was, “I’m just not that into it”. And that’s OK. You don’t have to be the strict type A personality person to plan for the day. You just need one sheet of paper and a pen/pencil.  That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. These gorgeously decorated planners you see on social media are very creative, but it isn’t the only form of planning. So don’t feel inferior in your ability and resort to “I don’t like planning that much”.

Knowing that planning doesn’t have to be elaborate will hopefully help you overcome that hurdle so you can find your for-now style and start to plan for the day moving forward. As time goes on, you’ll naturally want to start trying new things.

Don’t know what type of planner to use.

There are so many different types of planners and planning styles, it can be a little overwhelming getting started. I love a good planner, but they aren’t necessary with planning. Blasphemy! I’m pretty sure the planning community is shouting that right now.

The two types of planning are digital and paper. If you ABSOLUTELY desire a planner, you can run out to the store to snag you a cheap planner and use that. Or you can purchase a printable planner and go from there. But as we’ve already established, these tools are helpful but aren’t a necessity.

Why have a plan for the day matters

Now that I briefly explained how to plan for the day, keep reading and you’ll learn why having a plan matters. Look, we both know that life rarely ever seems to follow the plans and paths we set up for ourselves. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to plan. When you write down your top priority tasks, you work with focus and intentionality. As a result, you’ll feel more accomplished towards the end of the day. 

When you have a focus, even if life throws a wrench in your plan and you aren’t able to get back on track that day, you can pick up where you left off the next day because you have it written down. Having a plan doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Having a plan for your day allows you the flexibility to pivot as needed and come back to your tasks.

Even if you’re not a Type-A personality, you’ll get a good thrill checking off tasks from your list. It’s a great feeling. It gives you a high like nothing else. Sometimes if we’re aimlessly walking around throughout the day, we can be left pondering, what did I do all day? Without a plan for the day, there’s usually no answer, or at least not a substantial one. But when you follow your written plan, you can answer that question with confidence.

Having a plan for your day helps you be a better homemaker.

We are all striving to be that perfect homemaker. If you’ve read my post, How striving for perfection destroys your homemaking dreams, then you know how I feel about pursuing this elusive idea. However, once you figure out what your version of perfect is, then it becomes possible to become that (only if your version is still realistic).

Since having a plan for the day makes you focused on your actions and intentional with your time, you’ll quickly find areas you need to develop and can slowly work on them each day. Think of having a plan as having a roadmap. You set a destination (where you want to be at the end of the day) and your map will show you the way to go. Without it, you’re lost.

As a homemaker, you have so many roles and if you try to do all of them every day, you are setting yourself up for failure, heartbreak, and hurt. So do yourself a favor and create a plan for the day so you can celebrate your wins and feel good.


Plan for the day challenge.

It’s my hope and desire to help you be a happy homemaker. So I have a little challenge if you choose to accept it. If you don’t have a plan for today already here’s what I’d like for you to do:

Grab a sheet of paper and write down 1 thing you really want to get done today. Depending on the time of day you’re reading this, you’ll need to adjust the level of difficulty. If it’s early in the day, then feel free to make it a big task. If it is late then make it a small task.

Once you’ve written it down, start working on it. It doesn’t have to be completed today, but you do need to get started. If you don’t finish it today, God-willing, there’s always tomorrow. Did you write it down? Great! For accountability, feel free to write down your task in the comment section and when you’re finished with it, come back and let me know if you’ve completed it or even made a dent. Consider me your cheerleader encouraging you to put one foot in front of the other. I’m rooting for you!


Life is full of changes and you need to be ready to pivot when needed. Don’t let your hang-ups on planning override the benefits of having a plan.  Once you start creating a plan for your day, you’ll experience the benefits of having a plan:

  • A better flow of the day
  • Get more done
  • Feel more accomplished
  • The feeling of checking things off the list
  • Able to make time for things you want to do

Remember, don’t get caught up in the nuances of planning. A pen and paper will be sufficient.

I want to help you get started with creating a plan for your day. Grab your free daily to-do list. Plus, your life is too busy to remember everything. When you get your gift, you’ll also opt-in for notifications when a new post goes live on the site as well as just some updates and encouragement.

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