The Roaring Mama About me

The journey of motherhood can be a beautiful and transformative experience, but it can also be physically and emotionally demanding. 

Too often I found myself in the evil grasp of mom guilt. If I wasn't beating myself up for not spending enough time with my children, then I was lamenting over how I snapped on one of my children after being touched beyond the point of tolerance. 

Hardly ever did I view myself as a good mother, as there was always something to improve. It wasn't until I started opening up to a few mom friends that I started to realize that I am not the only mom that goes through these hard emotions. 

The thought of not being enough for my children at the time they need me can be crippling. It crippled me for years. 

As a Christ follower, I am not going to allow the enemy to kill the goals I have as a mom, steal the joy of being a mom, and destroy the vision I have for my children. And I won't let the enemy try to do that to you either. 

That's what makes me passionate about helping other moms, especially new mamas, see they are more than enough for their children, they can be the mom their kids need. 

In Philippians 4:!3, we are reminded, 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

While I still deal with these feelings, I no longer struggle as much as I used to. Here's what I did that helped me immensely:
  • Got closer to God - Learning how He saw me helped me to see myself in a more positive light.
  • Shared my struggles with other moms - helped me see that I wasn't alone.
  • Spoke more positive to myself - helped me out of my depression. 
Sharing encouraging words, mom phrases, and other funny relatable material on a t-shirt is a no-brainer for me. It's my hope that you see them and smile and pass on that smile to other moms who need it. 

That's my hope! 

I know I'm not supposed to have favorites...but here's my favorite design so far.